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Charity activities are taken place around the world.

The Mandir is open everyday from 9am - 1pm. Our Priest is available for all of your religious needs.

  • Saturday: 7:30 P.M. – Gita Patt and Kirtan
  • All special Puja services are performed. Please call the 718-446-6727 to schedule special services, including Wedding, Aranaprasan, and Sraddha.
  • Our commercial Kitchen is available for rental.
  • Preparations are being made to start a Sunday School for Music, Classical Dance, Yoga and Sanskrit/Bangla Language.
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$6,474 of $18,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

We Need Donations

Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum orci sit amet justo interdum.
$18,000.00 Goal
$6,474.00 Raised
We’re here to support poor people

God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.

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Proin a lacus arcu. Nullam id dui eu orci maximus. Cras at auctor lectus, pretium tellus.