Charity activities are taken place around the world.
The Mandir is open everyday from 9am - 1pm. Our Priest is available for all of your religious needs.
- Saturday: 7:30 P.M. – Gita Patt and Kirtan
- All special Puja services are performed. Please call the 718-446-6727 to schedule special services, including Wedding, Aranaprasan, and Sraddha.
- Our commercial Kitchen is available for rental.
- Preparations are being made to start a Sunday School for Music, Classical Dance, Yoga and Sanskrit/Bangla Language.
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$6,474 of $18,000 raised
We Need Donations
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum orci sit amet justo interdum.
We’re here to support poor people
God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.
Our feedbacks
What they’re talking about us
Proin a lacus arcu. Nullam id dui eu orci maximus. Cras at auctor lectus, pretium tellus.
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.
Christine Eve
Founder & CEO
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.
Kevin Smith
Duis rhoncus orci utedn metus rhoncus, non is dictum purus bibendum. Suspendisse id orci sit amet justo interdum hendrerit sagittis.
Jessica Brown
Founder & CEO